Amorphous alloy transformer

R & D and innovation is a kind of spirit, even more is also a kind of responsibility.
STW has absorbed and introduced a complete set of amorphous technology from ASEC of the United States, and has applied it to company's amorphous products, which is the first and unique case in the country:
  • Single magnetosphere technology
  • TF insulation system
  • The suction technology of noise energy tube
  • The assembly technology of Pride structure
  • Oil-filled AMDT
    This series of amorphous alloy transformer lines combined with the introduction of American Superconductor Energy (ASEC) launched the latest fifth generation of amorphous alloy transformer products (GENE.5LEVEL) manufacturing energy-efficient amorphous alloy oil-immersed transformer. It has signlificant energy savings, energy-saving rate of no-load losses of up to 80% or more. Products with fully sealed structure design, the use of a number of special patented technology, safe and reliable operation, and maintenance-free for life.
  • Dry type epoxy cast AMDT
    The this series amorphous alloy transformer Department combined with the introduction of American Superconductor Energy Company (ASEC) launched the latest fifth generation of amorphous alloy transformer products (GENE.5 LEVEL) manufacturing energy-efficient amorphous alloy drytype transformers. Product no-load loss and 10 -type transformers, down more than 75%. Use of a number of special patented technology, safe and reliable operation, a new generation of energy-efficient dry-type transformers products.
  • Oil-filled single-phase AMDT
  • Vault & underground mounting AMDT
No.218, Wusong Road, Shanghai, China [sales headquarters] 200080 400-080-1921
F12, Shanghai Baokuang International BM Building
Address: No.666, Zhangwengmiao Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai Postal code:201400
Switchboard: 86-21-68866111 Fax:86-21-68860333
©2013 Shanghai Transformer Work Co., Ltd.