Dry type epoxy cast AMDT


The this series amorphous alloy transformer Department combined with the introduction of American Superconductor Energy Company (ASEC) launched the latest fifth generation of amorphous alloy transformer products (GENE.5 LEVEL) manufacturing energy-efficient amorphous alloy drytype transformers. Product no-load loss and 10 -type transformers, down more than 75%. Use of a number of special patented technology, safe and reliable operation, a new generation of energy-efficient dry-type transformers products.

  • Execution standard
  • Model
  • Performance
  • Parameters
  • Appearance
    • GB/T 17211-1998 《 Load Guidance of Dry Power Transformer》
    • IEC 60076-11:2004 《Dry Power Transformer》
    • GB 1094.11-2007 《Dry Power Transformer》
    • GB/T 10228-2008 《Technical Parameters and Requirements of Dry Power Transformer》
  • SCBH15-30~2500/10、20、35

    • Non-crystallized alloy iron core: The iron core is winded by non-crystallized alloy belt and three-frame and three-pillar structure is established. The iron core is suspended in the internal pull board without external stress; it has given full play to the features of low idled consumption and low idled current in the non-crystallized materials.
    • Winding: High/low-voltage winding is in the rectangle cylinder structure; both internal and external layers are filled and winded by imported glass silk grid and silk ribbon and permeated and consolidated with resin as a whole; it is possessed of very powerful anti-cracking and outbreak short circuit. The transformer winding is totally grouted and possessed of powerful humidity-proof capacity; it can be immediately electrified.
    • Body: Maglev circult suspended magnetic ring patent technology is adopted in the assembly; exclusive non-crystallized iron core positioning technology has enabled non-crystallized iron core to enjoy the best stress status in the storage, transportation and normal operation; therefore, it can guarantee long-term stability and reliability of energy-saving features.

    Performance characteristics
    • Safety, fire prevention, no pollution and direct operation in load center;
    • High mechanical strength, strong capacity against short circuit, small partial discharge, good thermal stability, high reliability and long service life;
    • Low loss, low noise and significant energy-saving effect;
    • Good heat dissipation, strong operation capacity exceeding nameplate rating, increased operation capacity during forced air cooling;
    • Good moisture resistance and operation in high humidity and other severe environment;
    • Environmental protection, inflaming retarding, explosion prevention, free-maintenance and other characteristics;
    • Small volume and light weight.
  • Technical parameters of SCBH15/10 series of dry epoxy grouted non-crystallized alloy transformer
    Rated volume (kVA) Voltage combination Conn. Symb No-load loss (W) On-load loss 75℃ (W) On-load loss 120℃ (W) Excit. Curr (%) Impedance (%) Ontology outline dime
    L×W×H (mm)
    Enclosure size
    L×W×H (mm)
    Foundation patchable
    A×B (mm)
    Weight (kg)
    High voltage (kV) Branching (%) Low voltage (kV)
    30 6
    ±2×2.5% ±5% 0.4 Dyn11 或 Yyn0 Dyn11 or Yyn0 70 620 710 1.6 4 900×500×950 1200×800×1250 550×400 450
    50 90 875 1000 1.4 4 950×500×950 1250×800×1250 550×400 500
    80 120 1200 1380 1.3 4 1000×500×980 1300×800×1280 550×400 700
    100 130 1370 1570 1.2 4 1080×500×1050 1380×800×1350 550×400 870
    125 150 1610 1850 1.1 4 1100×500×1120 1400×800×1420 550×400 980
    160 170 1860 2130 1.1 4 1120×860×1175 1420×1160×1475 550×760 1150
    200 200 2210 2530 1.0 4 1230×900×1245 1530×1200×1545 550×800 1320
    250 230 2410 2760 1.0 4 1060×1000×1290 1360×1300×1590 550×920 1520
    315 280 3030 3470 0.9 4 1140×1000×1315 1440×1300×1615 660×920 1800
    400 310 3485 3990 0.8 4 1230×1000×1420 1530×1300×1720 660×920 2030
    500 360 4260 4880 0.8 4 1230×1000×1480 1530×1300×1780 660×920 2300
    630 420 5135 5880 0.7 4 1360×1050×1670 1630×1350×1670 660×920 2450
    630 410 5205 5960 0.7 6 1360×1050×1670 1660×1350×1670 660×920 2450
    800 480 6070 6960 0.7 6 1465×1200×1500 1765×1500×1800 820×1070 3070
    1000 550 7100 8130 0.6 6 1530×1200×1620 1830×1500×1920 820×1070 3620
    1250 650 8460 9690 0.6 6 1510×1170×1750 1810×1470×2050 820×1070 4530
    1600 760 10240 11730 0.6 6 1730×1200×1890 2030×1500×2190 820×1070 5750
    2000 1000 12620 14450 0.5 6 1800×1200×1890 2100×1600×2190 820×1070 6240
    2500 1200 14990 17170 0.5 6 1900×1300×2160 2200×1600×2460 1070×1070 7360
    1600 760 11315 12960 0.6 8 1730×1200×1890 2030×1500×2190 820×1070 5750
    2000 1000 13935 15960 0.5 8 1800×1300×1890 2100×1600×2190 820×1070 6240
    2500 1200 16495 18890 0.5 8 1900×1300×2160 2200×1600×2460 1070×1070 7360

    Technical parameters of SCBH15/20 series of dry epoxy grouted non-crystallized alloy transformer
    Rated volume (kVA) Voltage combination Conn. Symb No-load loss (W) On-load loss 75℃ (W) On-load loss 120℃ (W) Excit. Curr (%) Impedance (%) Ontology outline dime
    L×W×H (mm)
    Enclosure size
    L×W×H (mm)
    Foundation patchable
    A×B (mm)
    Weight (kg)
    High voltage (kV) Branching (%) Low voltage (kV)
    50 20
    ±2×2.5% ±5% 0.4 Dyn11 or Yyn0 Dyn11 or Yyn0 110 1080 1235 2.0 6 1180×880×1300 1680×1380×1800 550×550 750
    100 180 1740 1995 1.8 6 1350×880×1400 1850×1380×1900 660×660 1000
    160 220 2160 2470 1.8 6 1400×880×1480 1900×1380×1980 660×660 1500
    200 240 2575 2945 1.7 6 1450×920×1450 1950×1420×1950 660×660 1700
    250 280 2985 3420 1.6 6 1500×920×1600 2000×1420×2100 660×660 1900
    315 320 3570 4085 1.4 6 1600×1000×1700 2100×1500×2200 660×660 2200
    400 380 4320 4845 1.4 6 1700×1000×1700 2200×1500×2200 820×820 2500
    500 440 5060 5795 1.3 6 1750×1100×1750 2250×1600×2250 820×820 2850
    630 500 5975 6840 1.3 6 1800×1100×1800 2300×1600×2300 820×820 3300
    800 580 7220 8265 1.3 6 1850×1100×1850 2350×1600×2350 820×820 4000
    1000 680 8545 9785 1.1 6 1900×1100×1950 2400×1600×2450 820×820 4600
    1250 780 10080 11545 1.0 6 1980×1200×2000 2480×1700×2500 820×820 5200
    1600 920 12110 13870 0.9 6 2080×1400×2150 2580×1900×2650 1070×1070 5900
    2000 1030 14320 16390 0.8 6 2250×1400×2300 2750×1900×2800 1070×1070 7200
    2500 1270 16925 19380 0.7 6 2450×1400×2400 2950×1900×2900 1070×1070 8700
    2000 1060 15600 17860 0.7 8 2250×1400×2300 2750×1900×2800 1070×1070 7200
    2500 1270 18585 21280 0.7 8 2450×1400×2400 2950×1900×2900 1070×1070 8700
  • Schematic diagram of appearance and installation of SCBH15 series of dry epoxy grouted non-crystallized alloy transformer
No.218, Wusong Road, Shanghai, China [sales headquarters] 200080 400-080-1921
F12, Shanghai Baokuang International BM Building
Address: No.666, Zhangwengmiao Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai Postal code:201400
Switchboard: 86-21-68866111 Fax:86-21-68860333
©2013 Shanghai Transformer Work Co., Ltd.